Tazzweed, Jirlie Innovation Portal member that showcases an entrepreneurial success
Entrepreneurship is risky yet possibly lucrative endeavour. Very few startups are able to remain in business. Here, we features the success of Tazzweed, which are enrolled in Jirlie Innovation Portal.
There are dozens of businesses for every Amazon.com or Uber, but few can recall them. What distinguishes successful businesses from those that fail, then?
When a business succeeds, it is because it learned from its mistakes and took the appropriate actions. It has discovered how to produce and seize customer value.
Here is an entrepreneurial success story to motivate you on your own entrepreneurial journey.
The advent of digital technology has paved the way for numerous solutions to streamline businesses’ operational processes. One such invention is the Tazzweed, a technological aid that has revolutionised the procurement management practices of businesses across the globe.
The story revolves around a start-up that took advantage of the prospects available in Jirlie Innovation Portal and develop one of the most reliable and effective e-procurement solutions for enterprises.
Together with Jirlie, Tazzweed was able to set up a state-of-the-art system and conduct collaborations with numerous manufacturers, vendors, and service providers. As a result, Tazzweed was able to have extensive exposure to the needs of the majority of the markets for supplements.
"With steady steps up and retention of satisfied customers,
Tazzweed is widening its range of products, services and supplements
which are necessary for businesses from various industries with different natures.";
--- said Iana Suvorova, General Manager.
With over a hundred 5-star reviews in very short time, Tazzweed became the new procurement tool of choice for thousands of users across the GCC. The role of Tazzweed as a tool in managing Enterprise supplies, enhancing efficiency, ensuring regulatory compliance and aiding decision-taking makes it indispensable for the success of customers.
Today, Tazzweed ensures you and your business are getting what you want and anything else that comes to your mind, Tazzweed can handle it all ! And for a touch of creativity, Tazzweed is developing a groundbreaking AI-powered tool, considering the importance of Data Analytics, recognizing customers' interest, understanding their behaviour and enriching their experience.

Lisa Brown
Business Associate, Neu Ocean Technologies Ltd,
Seasoned Business Executive with a highly skilled demonstration in Legal and Compliance Management, and Organizational Leadership at the biggest technology tycoons.